Sunday, March 27, 2011

China Finds

Rosenthal pattern Garden Caprice by Selep Imaging
Rosenthal's Garden Caprice plate

There is a sign I love at one of my favorite stores.
My grandma used it, 
My mom threw it, 
And I bought it.
Rosenthal German China pattern Garden Caprice by Selep Imaging
Rosenthal's Garden Caprice pattern

So fun and true for me! 

The sign is at my favorite consignment shop, Legacies, Ltd. in Fox Point, Wisconsin.  The shop features fine antiques and collectible treasure and furniture. The turnover at Legacies is fast, so visiting every month or so is like visiting a different antique store, with items beautifully displayed.  I think most pieces displayed are washed and cleaned, dusted, etc. as well.  Every month the price on remaining pieces drops 15%, so older items are discounted.  If you really want a piece, buy it quickly, otherwise you can hope the price will drop when you next come in, if it is still there. 

Caverswall China April plate by Selep Imaging
Caverswall china Edith Holden 'April' plate

Caverswall China April month plate back

Shopping at Legacies is an adventure in finding treasure.  The three plates I am showing in this blog post are plates I bought at this store.  The two Caverswall china 'month' plates were under $10 (I know I got both discounted - they hung around for 1-2 months).  The Rosenthal plate was probably $12. (Full price, I bought it the first day I saw it.)

Caverswall China June month plate by Selep Imaging
Caverswall china Edith Holden 'June' plate

After I have bought an item, I sometimes get around to researching the piece on-line (usually for a blog post ;)  
I haven't seen all of the other months from the Caverswall monthly plate series (from 1981-1982), and I am not going to go out of my way to collect them, but I enjoy the two I found.  The color and graphics are so fun.  The backs of the Caverswall plates have quite a bit of information on them.  Apparently the plates were inspired by an illustrated book.  Read the back inscription - it's funny how many people wanted their name on the back, and it makes it harder to find these plates on eBay.  

Caverswall China June month plate by Selep Imaging
Caverswall china Edith Holden 'June' plate back indicates the Rosenthal Garden Caprice pattern was discontinued around 1930. I love the exuberance of this plate, but I really wouldn't have the space (or money) for a full set, so I am happy to have this one plate.

Click on the images to see them enlarged.

If you enjoyed this post you might also like:

hutch display
My Collection of all Hutch Posts!

I am linking to these parties:

Mosaic Monday (I was entry 36 of 101).
Masterpiece Monday (Entry 26 of 77).
Seasonal Sundays 42 (Entry 43 of 43).
52 Weeks of Happiness (Entry 55 of 55).
Amaze Me Monday (Entry 209 of 274).
Nifty Thrift Tuesday 56 (Entry 73 of 278).
Tuesday's Treasures (Entry 35 of 95).
Wow Us Wednesday 8 (Entry 74 of 274).
Good Life Wed (Entry 75 of 127).
What Ever Goes Wed 59 (Entry 196 of 533).
Wow Us Wed 8 (Entry 74 of 274).
Whassup Wed (Entry 59 of 209).
Thrifty Thur 107 (Entry 28 of 120.)
Vintage Thingies Thur (Entry 22 of 43).
Time Travel Thurs 38 (Entry 12 of 51).
Vintage Inspiration Fri 31 (Entry 49 of 116).
Show and Tell (I was entry 98 of 363).
Feather Nest Fri 29 (I was entry 64 of 200.)
Favorite Things Fri (I was entry 6 of 68).
Inspiration Fri 9 (I was entry 59 of 176).
Weekend Wrap Up (I was entry 244 of 835).  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Art in Bloom Flowers 2011

Spring is here according to the calender.  Here in southern Wisconsin almost all snow melted in the last week, and today we had thunderstorms and lots of rain.  But probably the first large display of spring flowers I will get to see will be indoors, at the Milwaukee Art Museum's Art in Bloom Event, March 31 to April 3, 2011.

Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom 2010 flower arrangement
Flower Arrangement and inspiration, 2010

At the Art in Bloom event, sponsored by the Milwaukee Art Museum Garden Club, professional floral designers create a flower arrangement inspired by a work of art.  The arrangements are then displayed near the art work that inspired it.  In 2010, there were about artwork 40 'inspired' arrangements, an inspired vendor area, and arrangements from designers who gave lectures and demonstrations.  My photos in this post are from the 2010 event.

Flower arrangement Emily Neubauer Belle Fiori sculpture Laid Table by Beth Lipman Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom
Floral Display from Art in Bloom, 2010

One thing I love about photography, (and the event), is that there are many different ways to view each arrangement, and the art that inspired it.  Up close, individual blooms have beautiful textures and colors.  Further away you see the arrangement and the shape.  Photographs of the backed off views of the arrangement paired with the art inspiration are perhaps the most challenging.

Tulip closeup Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom 2010 flower arrangement
Tulip closeup

The mostly white floral arrangement shown in the two photos above could be smelled as you entered the room - fragrant lilies smelled great, the flowers glowed, and the all glass sculpture behind it glittered.  The flower arrangement was my viewers choice, for one of my favorite glass sculptures at the museum.

Milwaukee Art Museum Laid Table glass sculpture by Beth Lipman
'Laid Table' glass sculpture by Beth Lipman

(Floral arrangement by Emily Neubauer of Belle Fiori, Ltd, inspired by Beth Lipmans 'Laid Table' glass sculpture)

orchids flower arrangement Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom 2010

I love getting up close to exotic blooms for photography, trying to find the best angles and lighting given the location.  Every year I vow to get better.

orchids flower arrangement Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom 2010

This year will be the fourth year the museum is holding the event, and every year my daughter has seen it with me.  She checks off the map to make sure we don't miss a spot. 

Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom event 2010

I will admit I try to pretty much photograph all of the arrangements. I think I photographed the arrangement below in more then seven different ways. (But NOT on the day that my daughter was with me ;) 

orchids flower arrangement Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom 2010

Click on the images to see them larger. 

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Art in Bloom 1
Art in Bloom 3
Orchid Peacock
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Chicago Tulips
Chicago Spring

I am linking up to these link parties:

Scenic Sunday 139 (I was entry 58 of gone.)
Masterpiece Mon 12 (Entry 23 of 85.)
Seasonal Sundays 41 (Entry 44 of 45.)
Sunday Showcase (Entry 372 of 404.)
52 Weeks of Happiness (Entry 58 of 59)
Today's Flowers 136 (Entry 62 of 79.)
Whassup Wednesday. (I was entry 67)
Outdoor Wednesday 115. (I was entry 45 of 15x)
Wordful Wednesday (I was entry 27 of 17x)
Good Life Wednesday (I was entry 5)
Wow Us Wednesday (I was entry 67)
Show off your Cottage Monday (I was entry 100)
Tuesday's Treasures (I was entry 89)
Motivated Monday (I was entry 49)
White Wednesday 92 (I was entry 67)
Vintage Inspiration Fri 30 (Entry 59)
Show and Tell (I was entry 93 of 338.) (*exists in 2025)
Feather Nest Fri (I was entry 40 of gone.)
Favorite Things Fri (I was entry 16 of gone.)
Inspiration Fri 8 (I was entry 57 of gone.)
Hodgepodge Friday (I was entry 46 of gone.)
Home Sweet Home 7 (I was entry 31 of 60.) (*exists in 2025)
Time Travel Thurs (I was entry 31 of gone.) 
Everything But the Sink (I was entry 28 of removed.)
Friday's Unfolded 11 (I was entry 53 of gone.)
Flaunt it Friday 50 (I was entry 119 of 338.) (*exists in 2025)
Trinkets and Treasures (I was entry 8)
Tatertots and Jello for Weekend Wrap Up (I was entry )  
Laurie for Favorite Things Sat (I was entry )
Funky Junk for Saturday Night Special 73 (I was entry 159)
Friday Pretties (I was entry )
Tuesday Glam Party (I was entry )
Boost Your Blog Friday (I was entry )
Cottage Flora Thursday (I was entry 33 of 33)
Fertilizer Friday (I was entry 33)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St Pats Day Treasure

St Patricks Day Welcome vignette by Selep Imaging
St. Patrick's Day treasure

I created a St. Patrick's Day Welcome vignette in my dining room with some rummage sale finds.  I buy little quirky items with the idea of putting them out at the appropriate season, and this is the first year I actually made a St. Patrick's display.  I made the vignette this year just so I could make a blog post for the 'parties'.  

St Patricks plates
St. Patrick's Display
Four children (and the husband) came home from school and four children (and the spouse) didn't notice or comment on new arrangement in the dining room... (where we eat!)  Sigh...  At least now I feel I can justify those rummage sale stops!   ;) 

The welcome sign ($1 or $2) and the little bell ($.50) I got at rummage sales in 2010.  The other plates I have gotten over the years.  Both of the Majolica-like plates (the dark green plates with a 3D relief pattern) have a chips.  I think the cool clear glass tray is stunning, but it has an unfortunate center etching of fruit that really doesn't go with the geometric edge, so it was $3 or under.  I think one designer made the platter, and another "added" to the center design.  I just blocked the center with the ivy plate. 

The cup and saucer on the lower right shelf are Bellek porcelain that we got from my husband's Grandmother.  The beauty of the bellek china kind of gets overlooked in this display, but I really cherish the china and I am glad I am using it. 

Click on the images to see them enlarged. 

If you enjoyed this post you might also like:
Valentine Vignette
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Blue-White Hutch
butterfly costume jewelry
Butterfly Bling

I am linking up to these Parties and Memes.

St Pat's Parties and Memes

I am linking up to these Parties and memes:

Trendy Treehouse for Creative Share Wed (Entry 58 of 250.)
My Backyard Eden for Make It Yours 58 (Entry 76 of 247.)
A Beach Cottage for Good Life Wed (Entry 41 of 127.)
Someday Crafts for What Ever Goes Wed 57 (Entry 278 of 556.)
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wed 57 (Entry 227 of 258.)
Elements Interior for Whassup Wed (Entry 55 of 310.)
Shabby Chic for Transformation Thur (I was entry 53 of 486.) 
Diane for 2nd Time Around, (I was entry 5 of 9)
Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thur 36 (Entry 12 of 71.)
Common Gnd for Vintage Inspiration Fri 29 (Entry 20 of 91.)
Romantic Home for Show and Tell (I was entry 11 of 341.)
French Country for Feather Nest Fri (I was entry 40 of 179.)
Hills are Living for Favorite Things Fri (I was entry 4 of 74.)
At the Picket Fence for Inspiration Fri (I was entry 28 of 153.)
Hodgepodge for Hodgepodge Friday (I was entry 38 of 213.)
Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home (I was entry 16 of 51.)
Very Merry Vintage for Love Link Party (I was entry 21 of 21.)
I Love Pretty Things for Friday Pretties (I was entry 17 on right)
Knick Knack for Everything But the Sink (I was entry 54 of 123.)
Stuff and Nonsense for Friday's Unfolded (I was entry 10 of 95.)
Chic Shoestring for Flaunt it Friday 49 (I was entry 70 of 309.)
Cottage Charm for Trinkets and Treasures (I was entry 11)
Lovely Home for Lovely Crafty Weekend (I was entry 10 of 75.)
Tatertots and Jello for Weekend Wrap Up (I was entry 276 of 700.)  
Laurie for Favorite Things Sat (I was entry 15 of 45.)
Funky Junk for Saturday Night Special 72 (I was entry 53 of 231.)
Boogie Board Cottage for Masterpiece Mon 11 (Entry )
DIY Showoff for DIY Project Parade (I was entry )
Naps on the Porch for Metamorphis Mon 112 (Entry )
Today's Creative for Get Your Craft On Tues (Entry)
Uncommon Slice for Tuesdays Treasures (Entry)

CreativeShareWednesdaysAll Things Heart and HomeCatch a Glimpse ButtonTransformation ThursdayChic on a Shoestring Decoratingfreckled laundry linkparty Funky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialUndertheTableandDreamingPhotobucket