Monday, March 30, 2009

Anticipation - Milwaukee's Art in Bloom event

Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom flower arrangements Jeanne Selep Imaging

Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom flower arrangement Copyright 2008 Jeanne Selep of Selep ImagingThere is so much going on in April. But one event I am really looking forward to this week is the Art in Bloom event at the Milwaukee Art Museum, April 2-5, 2009.
Art in Bloom events are annual floral-art events held at multiple museums through out the US. (Boston's Museum of Fine Art, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Oregon and more) The Milwaukee Art Museum's Inaugural Art in Bloom event was first held last year in 2008.
Multiple florists create bouquets of flowers inspired by works of art from the Museum's collection. The bouquets are displayed close to the inspiring art works, scattered throughout the museum. You get to see unique beautiful and inspired bouquets as you wander the art museum in a meandering tour.

There are also lectures, demos, tours, a vendor area, and more beautiful flowers. For me, its a perfect combination of two of my loves - flowers and art.

The museum has events like flower ranging lectures and demos and landscaping lectures throughout the four days. The cost for the lectures isn't inexpensive, but the price means the museum can book top national designers and authors to fly in for the lectures. I attended a demo/lecture by Ron Morgan on flower arranging last year. Watching the top designer create 5 or more very different flower arrangements in an hour or so taught me more in 60 minutes then reading for 3 days would have. It was funny, entertaining and a great way to learn.

Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom Copyright 2008 Jeanne Selep of Selep Imaging

I had arranged to meet Kyle Zubatsky for breakfast at the museum and we got to walk through the museum together. She owns a gallery and exhibits art nationally and so walking the museum with her was a particular treat.

Milwaukee Art Museum Art in Bloom Copyright 2008 Jeanne Selep of Selep Imaging

On Sunday I took my family to the see the Art in Bloom show.

I hope you enjoy some of the photos that I took from last year's show - I'll try to get some photos from this year's show posted after this year's event.

If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy...

Art in Bloom 2
Art in Bloom 3
Orchid Peacock
Bonsai in Bloom
Winter Garden

Lotus Garden

Lilies of Valley

Flower Bouquet
Chicago Tulips
Chicago Spring

I am linking up to Sunday Favorites 96 (Entry 32 of gone.)


Visit for more information.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Very beautiful Floral Art Show.. and you have great items in your shop too.. I like your photographs, want to increase my photograph skills but don't know how... hahah

Unknown said...

wow- what outstanding photos- cannot wait ti this years!!

Je Adore / Pandora Shack said...

I love it, I love it , I looooove it....

Catherine Behan said...

Hey There,

Kyle Zubatsky is a wonderful woman who woke up the artist in me. In 2000 or so, I took some beginning art classes from her when my marriage was deconstructing. A painful time. I had no idea I had any painting ability at all.

She opened something in me that continues to this day. I live in San Diego now and while we haven't seen one another in a long time, I will forever be grateful for her passion and heart to equip artists of all abilities to stand in their giftedness!

Love her!

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh goodness! I especially enjoyed that top piece featuring paint cans spilling flower paint. OH, and the circle abstract somewhere in the middle was really nice too.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Jeanne...

Welcome to Sunday Favorites, my friend! It's such a pleasure to have you join in with the "repost" fun! Wow...your Milwakee Art in Bloom event sounds spectacular! It would be an event that I would love to attend if I were to live closer! It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful time! I enjoyed your many beautiful pieces of art and ohhh...those gorgeous floral arrangements just took my breath away! Thank you for sharing them with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week! I hope that you will join us again!

Warmest spring wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design