Well, April has come and time is flying by. In my Feb 28 blog entry, I said my goal for March was to post an item on my on-line store every day. I made my goal, missing only one day, the day I did my first craft show. I now have over 130 items in my store.
I submitted an artwork to the 62nd annual Ozaukee County Art Fair (Artists are limited to 1 artwork in this fair), and my photograph "Evolution" won a ribbon. :) Notice - It is not a typo, the show has been held for 62 years! I also have 4 new pieces of art displayed in the Cedarburg Artist Guild's Main Street Gallery at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.
In March I also did my 2nd show - selling photography at Mama Mayborne's open house ) On April 4, 2009 I participated in my first booth fee paying event, the MS Vendor Craft fair which had over 50 vendors located in a middle school - in the halls, gym and cafeteria.
I guess my vision for my blog was to write about each of these events, and perhaps someday I will be able to achieve that vision. In the meanwhile I got a lot done - I just didn't find the time to blog about each event. We'll see what happens in the future.
P.S. I plan on posting an item a day in my on-line store in April also. I don't plan on doing this particular goal in May. I won't be posting anything while on my scheduled vacation with my soon to be 10 year old daughter. We are supposed to pack light for our 180 mile raft trip through the grand canyon. No PC, no electricity, no buildings, just a lot of running water... I am taking some cameras though, so I hope I'll be bringing back some good photos...