This fall has had many gray and rain filled mornings, and other days with a light fog or mist.
The photographs from misty days can be moody.
Lighting can change from minute to minute.

The still images seem moodier then when you are actually standing outside, feeling the slight breeze, the cold damp water, smelling the wet grass, and hearing the mist-muted sounds of nature. The images do capture the feeling of solitude.

The images become more dramatic when it is actually raining.

I am sometimes uncomfortable with my moody photographs - usually I like to have bright happy images that cheer the viewer. But I also like the memory of the quiet solitude.
I'd like to read your options on the various images - I know I will be searching out more misty days to photograph, because the results are intriguing.

There is something very incredible about the brilliant blue of morning glory flowers.
I found this plant with a golden field behind it.
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