Monday, March 11, 2013

Needlework finds

I haven't written a blog post for so long I'm going to have to relearn how to do it. So today I am just sharing some needlework images that I hope you will enjoy.

vintage lace rose

I enjoy estate sale and rummage sales. Recently I have been finding beautiful examples of lace and other needlework - crocheting, knitting, tatting, hardinger, cutwork, and more. The prices are frequently low - so now I have a collection of needlework.

Vintage Doily
Vintage Doily (diameter about 9.5 inches)

The details of the needlework I collect captivate me - the artistry, the design, the creativity, the knowledge and the skill, the amount of time it would take to create the piece. I think the amount of time it would take to duplicate a piece awes me.

Small coaster with crocheted edge
Vintage Needlework doily with crocheted edge

I learned to sew, crochet, embroider and knit. I have done weaving, cross-stitch and hardinger - mostly tiny projects, like Christmas ornaments. I decided I didn't want to become "jack of all trades, master of none" - so I decided to concentrate on quilting and left the other crafts behind. But my beginner skills have left me with an appreciation for the needlework I now find at estate sales.

vintage lace rose
Vintage Lace with a 3-d Rose petals

The pieces are rarely perfect - because it's handwork, and because of the passage of time.  Still, the skills the needlework displays make me marvel.  For example, in the image above, the middle rose petals are free from the background - see how they are folded up in this detail as opposed to the first image.

vintage lace doiley
Detail of doily with crocheted edge.

I like to try to figure what techniques were used for a piece.  The edge of the doily above is crocheted, but the acorn like shapes in the piece above is a technique I have never seen before.

Click on the images to see them enlarged.

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Vintage Lace
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Heart Quilt
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I am linking to these parties:
Mod Vintage: Mod Mix Mon 92 (Entry 65 of 72.)
Boogie Board: Masterpiece Mon 114 (Entry 121 of 143.) 
BNOTP: Metamorphis Monday 216 (Entry 230 of 238.)
Making the World Cuter (Entry 187 of 199.)
Maria: Tue at our Home (Entry 23 of 35.)
Uncommon Slice: Tues Treasures 126  (Entry 128 of 266.) 
Diamond: Time to Shine 108 (Entry 132 of 157.) 
Twigg: Sunday Showoff 9 (Entry 91 of 94.)
Stroll Life: Table Top Tue 156 (Entry 73 of 126.)
Sew: Sew Darn Crafty 105 (Entry 199 of 207.) 
Savvy Style: Wow Us Wed 109 (Entry 299 of 472.)  
Lavender Garden: Cottage Style 35 (Entry 21 of 36.)
Handy: Wicked Awesome Wed 101 (Entry 85 of 128.)
Rose Chintz Cottage: Wed (Entry 10 of 35.)
Faith Grace: Pearls and Lace Thur (Entry 12 of 26.)
Brambleberry Cottage: Time Travel Thur 140 (Entry 45 of 81.)
Jen Rizzo: Fabulously Creative Fri (Entry 164 of 187.)
Thrifty Grove: Thrifty Things Fri 100 (Entry 36 of 64.)
French Country: Feather Nest Fri (Entry 199 of 419.)
* Common Ground: Be Inspired 130 (Entry 139 of 249.)
* Romantic Home: Show and Tell (Entry 110 of 289.)
Chic: Flaunt it Friday 144 (Entry 105 of 281.)
Shabby Nest: Frugal Friday 144 (Entry 152 of 435.)
Annamarie: Link your Stuff 20 (Entry 178 of 215.) 



  1. Absolutely beautiful! I, too, have a love and appreciate for old lace pieces (all vintage linens, actually!), and your collection is wonderful. Awhile back I wrote a blog series on How to Care for Vintage Linens & Lace. You might enjoy it.

  2. Your lace collection is beautiful. The rose is stunning.

  3. Good to see that you are blogging again!!

  4. Such wonderful and beautiful pieces. Gorgeous. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. Oh, such beautiful lace!
    How lovely!
    Have a wonderful evening!

  6. Old lace is so pretty and you have some wonderful pieces. Displaying them on a solid contrasting background really shows the beautiful detail. Pamela

  7. Your lace is gorgeous! I have always loved it myself but never learned how to crochet. I wish I could as I would love to have a little Christmas tree decorated with lace ornies that I made myself. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and enjoy the rest of your week.


  8. Oh what a treat treat treat for you to join me today for my party!!!
    Your lace collection is fascinating...and lovely! The picture of the last piece with the crochet edgeing has a middle made of a tape lace that is sometimes called turtle lace. I have found some not used in a lace piece and love to use it in my collages and sewing pieces. Your doily in picture two with the tatting is just incredible!!! What a huge piece that must be!
    Lovely post and again thank you so much for joining my party!

  9. Doni, Thank you for identifying the lace type in the needlework sample on black. (The tape lace or turtle lace).
    When I bought the large doily I thought it was tatting, then I decided parts seemed like crochet. Then I just became uncertain that I could identify tatting or anything.

    I love your huge collection, and hope you will identify things for me periodically, and correct my mistakes. I have many more lace pieces, although not the volumes you have.

  10. Well Jeanne, I was absolutely wrong. The second picture is crocheted! I think the whole thing. I relly should have looked closer!! Have a look at my blog post a few years ago here
    I thought when I saw your picture it was similar to it! You can tat! I use a needle!!
    If I can help any I'd be happy to, but I am no expert...just a lover!

  11. Oh, you found some gorgeous lace pieces! So pretty. Thank you for sharing at TTF. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  12. Oh I love lace anything, I even bought an old lace dress once all torn and raggedy but I loved it

    I have a couple small suitcases full of vintage cotton lace and tatting

  13. Hi Jeanne,
    I found you through My Romantic Home.
    Thank you for sharing the beauties,
    I absolutely LoVe these vintage doilies and laces.

  14. Wonderful find! It really is exquisite - such craftsmanship! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  15. Maybe, just maybe, I could make the last piece. All the others are so intricate and lovely.

    I can picture a woman in a cold climate long, before the internet, sitting by the fire creating those beauties after making her own candles, butter and whatever all day.


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