Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Robins eggs and Nest

nest with robin eggs by Jeanne Selep Imaging

The robin's nest photo above is from this May, 2009, and is available for sale in my on line store. The nest now has 5 eggs. (In composition, odd numbers are usually better, but I haven't gotten a photo with 5 eggs yet.) I am praying that the nest remains safe and hidden and that I get photos of the babies - in about 12 days... I hope they hatch before my trip starting May 18... The blue egg color was the deepest I've seen in robin eggs - I hope that means the robins are healthy!

Click on images to see them larger. 

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I am sharing this image at  Outdoor Wednesday.


  1. Great capture. I can't wait to see the babies!!!

  2. Cute photo. I can't wait for the update. ~ Robyn

  3. What a great photo. thank you for sharing.

  4. Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday Jeanne... Gorgeous shade of blue eggs! Thanks for sharing your photo.~ Susan

  5. Great shot of the blue baby birdie eggs! I took one a couple weeks ago, and I took pictures of each step along the way but I haven't posted them yet. That is a great photo shot you took!

  6. Beautiful !! what an awesome color. Can't wait to see the shots of the babies.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Outstanding bird nest photo! love it!!

  8. I keep admiring that photo everytime I see it in my blog updates! its very lovely

  9. That is an amazing photo. I'm imagining you climbing into the upper branches of the three to take it, although I'm sure that's probably not what you did.

  10. Elephunk - Yes I climbed above the nest to take the photo. :)

  11. A sad postnote: The eggs did not make it - some other critter got them. But supposedly robins will try again this early in the season, so the robins will make another nest, in a better location, and hopefully have another "batch" this summer...


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