Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey Alternative

male peacock by Selep Imaging

Happy Thanksgiving!

These might actually be turkeys in disguise.


Imagine possible alternatives to thanksgiving turkey...

If we lived in, say, India...

(If Columbus hadn't stumbled across North America while searching for India...)

The pilgrims might not have come,
or maybe they would have arrived and settled in India instead...

Maybe we would be eating peacocks (No!).

I sell this peacock card and photo in my on-line store at

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  1. hahaha impersonators! love their hairdos, so retro.:p oh no, don't eat a peacock please, they're too cute!

  2. Cute! But no turkey on Thanksgiving? Thank goodness for Columbus lol. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Kathy

  3. beautiful pictures you showed the beauty in each of these birds

  4. I love your comparison of what might have been of our old turkey bird. A clever idea.

  5. Wow! What a capture of that stunning peacock! Gorgeous card!

  6. Your photo of the peacock is outstanding, but I think I still prefer turkey for dinner. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Personally, I'm sticking to turkey myself. I can't EVER see eating a peacock, my favorite bird. I was just being whimsicle.

  8. Beautiful picture of the peacock! The other pictures are precious as well. I do prefer the odd looking turkey for Thanksgiving dinner however. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Great photos. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yes I can be thankful in Canada. I will be thinking of all of you dear Americans tomorrow. I am an American citizen, actually, I was born there and lived there for eleven years. Hugs, Cindy S.

  10. How cute, that second one is so funny but cute too. Great photos. Happy Thanksgiving and turkey day.

  11. gorgeous!! i love your photos, and am glad no one eats peacocks!
    happy thanksgiving!

  12. Cute! No turkey on Thanksgiving here, because we don't celebrate. But there might be one turkey less in Norway on Newyear eve :o)

  13. LOVE Peacocks!! Great photos..but lets stick to Turkey!


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