Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Washington D.C. Weekend

My son Anthony and I just got back from a weekend in Washington D.C. In Washington I had the privilege to photograph a Benai Mitzvah! (A Benai Mitzvah is a combined Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah. A Mitzvah is the Jewish coming of age and confirmation of faith ceremony, Bar Mitzvah for a boy, Bat Mitzvah for a girl). My son and I had a wonderful time. After the beautiful ceremony at the synagogue, there was a dinner and party on a large boat on the Potomac River. The weather was awesome and warm, and the company was great.

Washington D.C. is becoming one of my favorite American cities. There is just so much to see and do. I love the monuments, the museums and the
architecture. Every building was built with beauty in mind, something sometimes forgotten in other cities and buildings. I think I would like to live there for several months once I retire...
My son and I were able to go site seeing on Friday afternoon. I had been able to visit Washington D.C. with my husband and four children in 2006 for a week, so this time I went to sites not visited last time. My son and I got to wander through the botanical garden, the Capital and the Library of Congress. I was amazed at some of the views of the Capital I was able to get from the botanical garden. I have never seen some of these angles before. Washington DC is indeed a beautiful city that requires lots of time (weeks, months?) to explore.
My first photo is the US Capital as seen from the Botantical Garden. The second photo shows the capital viewed from across a sculpted mosaic fountain. The third photo looks the other way across the fountain to see the National Museum of the American Indian.
Outdoor Wednesday link:


  1. What fun to have a great celebration and great sights to see. I went to a few bat-mitzvahs in my high school days. Some of the fanciest parties I've ever been to :0)

  2. These are beautiful photos! I love the shot of the water fountain!

    Ebie's Watery Outdoors.

  3. I've always wanted to go to D.C. I have been to Washington State... but I know, not the same.
    Glad you had such a great time. I didn't know they combined them together... the Mitzvah's that is.
    Happy OW
    Love Claudie from Canada

  4. You took beautiful photos, Jeanne!..Christine

  5. What a great thing it must be to be a photographer and get to photograph so many wonderful things!

  6. Lovely photos! Washington DC is one of my favorite destinations. There is so much to see in all the museums.

    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  7. LOvely photo's. I would love to see Washington one day.
    Have a nice day

  8. Not only a fun trip for your son but probably educational too.

  9. Beautiful shots of Washington DC!. What a beautiful place to take a trip. Thanks for sharing. hugs ~lynne~

  10. What wonderful pictures ! Better still is being able to see them in the company of your son. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  11. Very interesting pictures. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day,

  12. you take the greatest photos- sounds like a great time, thanks..

  13. I've never been there. But my neighbor takes tours of school children there throughout the springtime. She really likes to visit there. Looks like a beautiful place!

  14. What wonderful photos. This is definately a city I want to take my boys to someday.


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