Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grand Canyon Oasis

Grand Canyon Oasis Paradise by Selep Imaging

Grand Canyon Oasis Paradise by Selep ImagingI don't know if my photo does this location justice, but this was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful spots on the Grand Canyon River adventure that my daughter and I went on in May, 2009.
We hiked up a narrow canyon carved out over thousands of years by the stream shown, and got to this mini-oasis with a waterfall. The trees you can see are towering Cottonwood trees. Trees were a rare site near the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, and so seeing actual tall trees was stunning. The hill behind the trees looks up close and small, but was actually a huge canyon wall dappled by the sun through the clouds. I would have loved to stay for hours here.
My blog gives some details on this Wilderness River Adventures vacation, so if you are interested, read more!

If you enjoyed this post you might also like:

Grand Canyon intro
GC Getting There
GC Lees Ferry
GC Navajo Bridge
Nankoweap Granaries
Grand Canyon Ruins
GC Running Rapids
GC River View
Elves Chasm


  1. I don't know if your pictures do the spot justice, but they look like postcards to me! I have never seen this part of the country. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Those pics are beautiful!!

    What a gorgeous place.

    barbara jean

  3. How beautiful. What an amazing variation we have in the USA...

    This landscape is so different from the one I am used to, it might be on another planet! thank you so much for sharing-- it's so interesting, and so lovely.


  4. What beautiful pictures and what a beautiful place to be.

    Thanks for visiting Linderhof.

  5. That is beautiful country. You must of had such a wonderful time.

  6. Hi Jeanne! You have taken some wonderful photos of your trip! I have never seen anything like that. We do have a little canyon here in Georgia...but nothing like that, of course!! Gorgeous!...Debbie

  7. wow- the colors, the textures, the composition, GORGEOUS!

  8. What wonderful pictures of your trip! Gorgeous !

  9. Fascinating!!!!!!!!

    Donna Marie

  10. I'm a western girl, myself, so I appreciate the beauty of rocks & boulders, blue sky, and the little bit of green that sometimes is interspersed between! Gorgeous shot. Sue

  11. That is such a beautiful spot. The Grand Canyon is a great national treasure.


  12. great photos.. it looks like a fantastic trip.
    I still have yet to visit the grand canyon... it is on my travel list for sure!

  13. Both of those would look fabulous in frames!
    Simply beautiful angles and lighting.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  14. Your photos are wonderful. I've spent some time browsing your blog and it was a most enjoyable time. I'll be back often.

  15. Such a lovely spot. You will treasure these memories forever.
    Joyce M

  16. What a wonderful view! Love the second photo, looks like the clouds are jumping with joy!

  17. I've never been to the Grand Canyon, but your photos make me want to go! Thanks for stopping by my blog, please come back again soon!


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